TIVOLI DIRECTORY INTEGRATOR Training Overview 1: Introduction to TDI. 2: Overview of Identity Synchronization and Co-relation 3: TDI Components and understanding Assembly lines, Feeds, Processing and Output 4: Installation of TDI 5: Introduction to Feeds, Assembly Lines and Connectors 6: Work objects and Connector Objects 7: Introduction to Parsers and Function Components 8: Running Assembly Lines 9: Problems and Logging 10: Scripts, Hooks and custom connectors 11: Preprocessing and post Processing Data 12: Invoking an assembly line from another assembly line 13: Integration examples with CSV, LDAP, and Database 14: Deciding the attribute processing during Integration 15: Synchronization, Change Detection, and Scheduled Jobs 16: SSL and Security 17: Introduction to Tivoli Identity Manager 18: Integrating TDI with TIM